Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information:
Each year, Watts College of Nursing distributes to all enrolled students by email a notice by email of the availability of information required pursuant to specific requirements under the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), as amended, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.
A paper copy of any and all of the information provided on this page is available upon request by emailing
Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information:
Watts College of Nursing Financial Aid:
Also visit the Watts College of Nursing Financial Aid office at:
2828 Croasdaile Drive
Suite 200 Room 231
Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
*Please note that Watts College of Nursing as a Duke University Health System Corporate Affiliate their students have the ability to use the Duke University Student Disability Access Office (SDAO) for student disability services and has an onsite SDAO-trained faculty who works with students and SDAO.
The Student Disability Access Office (SDAO) is the office on campus charged with and committed to providing educational opportunities for students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008.
The SDAO uses a multifaceted team-based approach to determine eligibility for services and accommodations to qualified first-year students, sophomores, juniors, and seniors as well as graduate and professional students. Our goal is to provide and coordinate accommodations that enable students with disabilities to have equal access to all Duke University programs and activities. Services and accommodations are provided to students with a variety of disabilities including, but not limited to, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, blindness/low vision, deafness/hard of hearing, learning disabilities, psychological disorders (including Autism Spectrum disorders), mobility, and chronic health, as well as other medical conditions.
Please click here for more information including University student rights and responsibilities.
File Sharing & Copyright Law Campus Policies:
As a corporate affiliate of the Duke University Health System the Watts College of Nursing adopts the same policy as Duke University which can be found here:
In 2008, President George W. Bush signed into law H.R. 4137, the Higher Education Opportunity Act. This bill, a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965, includes provisions that are designed to reduce the illegal uploading and downloading of copyrighted works through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing.
To review Duke’s policies on Copyright Law and File Sharing in greater detail, please visit File Sharing and Copyright FAQs.
To contact Duke’s Digital Millennium Copyright Act Agent email and click here for more information regarding the Duke Health Information Technology Copyright Policy.
Harassment and Discrimination Policies:
As a corporate affiliate of the Duke University Health System the Watts College of Nursing adopts the same policy as Duke University which can be found here:
Title IX Information can be found here:
Privacy of Student Records—FERPA Rights
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA, also known as the Buckley Amendment) was passed by Congress in 1974 to protect the confidentiality of student records and information. Watts College of Nursing policy on student records incorporates the rights guaranteed by FERPA. Students are notified of their FERPA rights annually through publication in the Watts College of Nursing Student Handbook here. Additional information can be found through the Watts College of Nursing Registrar’s office (Room 226).
Student Complaint Process
The formal student grievance policy can be found in the student handbook here.
Textbook Information
Course information and textbook information can be requested from the college and is available in the registrar’s office.
Also that information is presented to enrolled students during their orientation which is one week before classes begin each semester.
Voter Registration Information
State of North Carolina students can visit Board of Elections website for further information here.
Out-of-state students can get further information from their home state board of election websites.
Instructional Programs
Course Schedule
Schedule of Classes can be found in the Watts College of Nursing Catalog, or a paper copy can be requested from the Registrar’s office here:
Watts College of Nursing Registrar
2828 Croasdaile Drive, Suite 200
Room 226
Educational Programs
Information regarding Watts College of Nursing single Bachelors of Science in Nursing can be found in the Watts College of Nursing Catalog
Gainful Employment
As of July 1, 2019 we will no longer be providing Gainful Employment information by way of this website. Please contact us at with any questions you may have.
Transfer of Credit Policy
Watts College of Nursing (WCON) accepts transfer credit from only accredited post-secondary institutions. Upon conditional acceptance; a student’s transcript(s) will be initially reviewed for approval of transfer credit. The curriculum does not offer advanced placement for LPNs. Challenging or auditing a course is not permitted.
General Education Requirements
Each course must be passed with the minimum grade, and number of credit hours, and meet the specified content and time frames required.
College Board Advanced Placement Examinations
Watts College of Nursing awards transfer credit for approved College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations. The minimum score required is 3.
Nursing Courses
Watts College of Nursing limits transfer credit for nursing courses from other accredited and approved Registered Nurse (RN) nursing programs to no more than 30 credit hours of nursing and must complete the residency requirement of the final two semesters of nursing at Watts College of Nursing. A transfer course must be comparable in content and competencies. Attainment of a course grade of “C” or above is necessary. A course syllabus and summary of clinical evaluation are required to grant credit, which is determined on an individual basis.
Transfer Students
Applicants from other accredited and approved (RN) nursing programs may apply for transfer admission.
All admission requirements are applicable to the transfer student along with the following additional information:
- The transfer applicant must submit a personal letter stating the reason(s) for requesting the transfer. It should accompany the application for admission.
- A summary of clinical evaluation is requested with official transcripts from the accredited and approved school of nursing.
- A course syllabus for all completed nursing courses must accompany the school transcript.
- Attainment of a course grade of “C” or above for each course approved for transfer and satisfactory clinical performance grades are necessary for transfer of course credit.
- It is required that the two references be from faculty members of the school of nursing.
Transfer applications cannot be reviewed until all materials have been received.
Placement within the Watts College of Nursing is determined on an individual basis according to established policy and space availability.
Upon acceptance, the applicant may request a review of nursing courses for transfer credit. There is a processing fee of $50.00 for review and placement services for transfer students.
Financial Assistance
Ability to Benefit (ATB)
Federal Regulations require that students have an ‘Ability-to-Benefit’ from post-secondary education before they can receive Federal Student Aid, which typically refers to earning a high school diploma or equivalent, being enrolled in a degree-seeking program, and not concurrently enrolled in elementary or secondary school.
All Watts College of Nursing students are required to submit proof of their “Ability to Benefit” (and thereby establishing eligibility for Title IV federal student aid) by providing documentation as listed below.
How do students demonstrate the Ability to Benefit?
Students must provide a high school transcript or approved equivalent. Please see our Admissions process for further details.
Consequences—Students will lose Federal Student Aid eligibility until they cannot provide documentation to satisfy this eligibility requirement.
Entrance and Exit Loan Counseling
Entrance and Exit Loan Counseling is a government requirement and can be done online here or will be available in person through Watts College of Nursing Financial Aid Office.
For In-Person Counseling Contact by phone: (919) 613-9027 or by email:
Financial Assistance Available
Financial aid programs which are available to students attending WCON are listed on the Financial Aid section of the Watts College of Nursing website. The WCON Financial Aid Office awards federal and institutional resources listed below based on the eligibility criteria outlined.
- Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
- Pell Grant
- NC Need Based Scholarship
- More Information can be found at the College Foundation of North Carolina
- WCON need-based and merit scholarships
Financial Aid Policies and Guidelines
Click here for further information regarding financial aid.
Financial Aid Refunds
For further information regarding Financial Aid Refunds click here.
How to Apply for Aid
Watts awards need-based as well as merit-based awards to its undergraduates. To find out how to apply for need-based aid for undergraduates, click here.
Recommended Private Lender List
In an effort to make the lender selection process easier for our students and parents, and to ensure that they are choosing reliable and stable lenders, the College publishes a list of “Recommended Private Lenders.” Review our full list of US Citizens/Permanent Residents.
Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4)
The Watts College of Nursing steps to return Title IV funds:
- Determine the Withdrawal Date
- Calculate the percentage of the enrollment period completed
- Calculate the amount of Title IV aid earned
- Determine the amount of Title IV aid unearned
- Allocate unearned aid
- Adjust student aid and Return any required funds to the Federal Government
- Communicate the return of funds via email
Statement on Educational Lending
Watts College of Nursing has established a set of publicly available principles and policies to govern educational lending practices for undergraduate, graduate and professional students. These principles emphasize that our lending practices come from a commitment to the best interests of our students. Neither Watts nor its employees accept financial payments, goods or services of material value from lenders. All employees involved in financial aid and student lending are subject to a rigorous conflict-of-interest policy. Please review our Code of Conduct on the Watts website.
Student Loans
A range of need-based and non-need-based loans are available to students and parents of undergraduates at Duke. To see how to apply, review the terms and repayment schedules, and consider recommended private lenders please email for more details.
Undergraduate Net Price Calculator
Net Price Calculator can be found here.
Undergraduate Cost of Attendance
Health and Safety
Annual Clery Act Reporting
Watts prepares an annual security data report in compliance with the Clery Act and distributes it by email to the Watts community in the beginning of October each year. It includes reported campus crime statistics for the past three years and information about campus security policies. Watts as a Duke University Health Systems affiliate also distributes the Duke University Annual Security report to the Watts community at the beginning of October.
Campus Crime Log
The Duke University Police Department maintains and provides daily and weekly summaries of all reported campus crimes. Watts College of Nursing contacts City of Durham Police Department for any reported crimes near Watts College Campus.
Crime Prevention Programs at Watts
Watts College of Nursing asks Duke University Police to come on campus and present different crime prevention presentations and/or trainings. More information can be found on their website.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
As a community of scholars and learners, Watts College of Nursing expects those within its community to be responsible for the use of alcohol. This policy shall guide the role of alcohol everywhere on the Watts campus and at all events sponsored by Watts organizations, schools, or administrative units. Students, staff, and faculty members are encouraged to learn about the social, physiological, and psychological consequences of drinking and alcohol abuse. Excessive and high-risk drinking can lead to negative consequences for the Watts community, including assault, illness, injury, litter, noise, property damage, and driving under the influence. All members of the Watts community share responsibility for creating an environment that limits dangerous drinking behaviors and, therefore, reduces the likelihood of these negative outcomes.
To read the Drugs and Alcohol Policy in full, please visit the section at this link:
Students: The policy can be found in the student handbook.
Faculty and Staff: The workplace policy can be found here.
Emergency Preparedness & Response
Emergency preparedness and emergency response are critical to the reliability of our systems on campus and are equally important in helping to manage emergencies that impact Watts College of Nursing facilities.
Missing Student Notification
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, Watts College of Nursing developed a policy for notifying the designated emergency contact in WattsHub for a student who is determined to be missing.
If members of the Watts community believe that a student has been missing for 24 hours, it is critical that they report that information to the Duke University Police at (919) 684-2444.
Safety and Security
Keeping you safe is Duke’s top priority. As required by The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or "Clery Act", Duke alerts students and employees in a timely manner of crimes that pose a serious or continuing threat to the Duke community. Depending on the nature and location of the incident, Duke may send a “DukeALERT” message to all students, faculty, and staff (including all Watts College of Nursing Staff and Students) at their Duke e-mail accounts and mobile devices, if they enrolled in the text service.
Sex Offender Registry
To Search a database through the North Carolina Department of Justice or to sign up to receive email alerts when a sex offender registers to an address in your community please visit this site.
Substance Abuse Prevention Policy for Employees (Drug-Free Workplace)
Substance abuse is detrimental to an individual’s health and may jeopardize safety in the workplace. For these and other reasons, the unauthorized use, possession, storage, manufacture, distribution and sale of alcohol, controlled substances, and illegal drugs is prohibited on Watts’ premises or during any business conducted in Watts-supplied vehicles or during working hours.
The “Drug-Free Workplace Act” and the “Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulation” require Watts – as a federal contractor and grant recipient – to certify that it will provide a drug-free workplace/campus. As a condition of employment on such contracts and grants, staff will abide by the terms of this statement and notify Watts of any criminal drug statute convictions not later than five days after such convictions for violations occurring on Watts’ premises. This includes convictions for the unlawful use, possession (including the storage in a desk, locker, or other repository), manufacture, distribution, dispensation, or sale of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or controlled substances on Watts’ premises or while conducting business in Watts supplied vehicles or during working hours.
Vaccination Policies
All students are required to have the following vaccinations:
- TDAP(Tetanus, Ditheria, Pertusis)
- Polio
- MMR (Measels, Mumps, Rubella)
- Varicella (Chicken Pox)
- Flu shot
- Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Tuberculin Blood Test (IGRA) within twelve months of enrollment
- Hepatitis B Series
Student Outcomes
Career and Job Placement
Watts College of Nursing Career Outcomes data will be compiled by a Senior survey and the results will be made available on the Watts College of Nursing website
*Note since the first cohort begins in Spring semester of 2020 the Career Outcomes data will not be received or posted until after first cohort graduates in the Fall of 2021 semester.
Common Data Set
The Common Data Set outlines Institutional enrollment, persistence by sex and ethnicity. It also outlines graduation rates separated out by Pell grant recipients and Federal Loan recipients.
*Note the first data set will be available after Spring 2020 semester.
Graduation and Retention Rates
Watts reports its retention and graduation rates through the Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
*Note first IPEDS report for Watts College of Nursing will not be completed until after Fall 2020 semester with the Spring 2020 semester retention rates only.
Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System & College Navigator
The IPEDS Report contains university-specific annual data relating to cost, aid available, net price, enrollment, admissions, retention and graduation rates, Outcome measures, program/majors, veterans information, athletic teams, accreditation, campus security, and cohort default rates.
Watts College of Nursing does not discriminate in the educational program or activities of the college on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex, genetic information, or age.