Welcome to our Watts Nursing Alumni Association web space.

Whether you’re a recent college graduate or a long-term diploma alum, we would like to connect with all of our Watts alumni.  

This section of our website is devoted to you with the hope of enriching your relationship with the school. Here you'll find information about the alumni association, membership renewal, alumni newsletter, announcements, upcoming events, etc. Our future plans are to expand the website to include even more information about the Alumni Association Officers and Board Members, student referrals, transcript request forms, information on how to contribute to the school, etc.

We now have an online community set up via Facebook where you can contact classmates and other school friends, submit a class note, photos, and much more. Keeping in touch with our classmates and alumni is a great way to keep our Alumni Association alive and connected. Please take the opportunity to reconnect on Facebook (approval from admins required).

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Click Here to JOIN NOW!

Please continue to check the site frequently for updates!



Scholarship Applications Due for Fall Semester — June 15

Alumni Dues Renewal — December 1 (yearly)

Scholarship Applications Due for Spring Semester — December 19

Annual Winter Gathering — December 4, 2024

Annual Spring Banquet  — May 14, 2025